Ochette's description when selecting her. I'll find those Creatures of Legend and bring them back.” Desperate to save your home, you set sail in search of those who can help." That is, until you learn of an encroaching calamity known as the Night of the Scarlet Moon. Despite your troubles with the human islanders, you live a carefree life. Your tale begins on the isle of Toto'haha alongside your fellow beastlings. "Your name is Ochette, and you are a hunter. This is because the Beastling race matures slower than humans in exchange for longer lifespans. She is the most childlike of the eight protagonists, and sees Castti and Osvald as parental figures, referring to them as "Mama" and "Pops" respectively.

This is because the creation of the Beastlings made it impossible to feel malice or greed. Other than that, she has no darkness in her heart at all, making it impossible for the Shadow to corrupt. But despite her appetite, she is a kind, empathetic and generous beastling, to the point she is willing to share her spoils to those who need it more than her. She is a cute, cheerful, eager, energetic beastling with a huge appetite, to the point where she finishes any non-food related tasks quickly as she can, so she can eat as soon as possible. Octopath Traveler Review: Divide And Conquer She is clad in a beige white and pink dress, grey sandals with straps around her calves, and jeweled bands around her arms. Being a beastling, she is close or around 130cm or 4'3 in height which is the average height of the Beastlings according to the text of the Japanese version, in the art book she is shown to be of similar height to all the beastling NPCs, she also has cat-like ears, snout and nose, and a dog-like tail with claws on her hand, in the artbook she is shown with black fingers.
#Octopath traveler travel banter guide ophilia chapter 2 skin
Ochette has pale gray hair in the style of a bob with bangs, brown skin and green eyes.