TR11L04681 - NoMachine reports 'No available sessions on the server' even if the local X server is up and running TR11L04679 - The nxserver -version command reports an incorrect server type when a 3.5.0 Advanced Server subscription is used with server 4 TR12K04131 - Setting DisplayLimit in the server configuration doesn't work as expected TR11L04678 - Sometimes virtual desktop sessions are terminated unexpectedly TR07L04488 - Screen artifacts when scrolling in firefox TR10L04644 - The Alt Gr key doesn't work when the 'Grab the keyboard input' option is activated TR08L04506 - VNC session closes suddenly upon starting TR04L04390 - The nxerror.log file reports that the ck-list-sessions command was not found TR11L04659 - MacOSX plugin client fails to connect to the virtual desktop TR06L04476 - The AltGr+0 keys combination opens the client menu TR05L04404 - Welcome messages set in the node configuration file are not displayed at session startup
TR08L04498 - NoMachine Player fails to detect Japanese layout on Mac OSX clients TR11L04666 - Horizontal line can appear over titles of tabs in firefox TR10L04648 - Num Lock is reversed in a custom session in floating window mode started from Windows clients

TR03L04313 - When connecting to a multinode server, the 'Create a new virtual desktop' option specifies always the desktop type of the server TR08L04509 - The nxserver -passwd command hangs on Ubuntu 12.04 when it's run by an unprivileged user TR11L04656 - The comma key is wrongly mapped inside a NoMachine web session TR10L04611 - Cannot disable the 'automigrate' feature to allow sharing the virtual desktop TR10L04652 - The SSH_CLIENT, SSH_CONNECTION or NX_CONNECTION variables are not propagated to the NoMachine session TR10L04620 - No sound from nxclient 3.5 to NoMachine server 4 on newer Linux distributions shipping without Enlightened Sound Daemon The new version, 4.4.1, provides fixes for the following problems:
NoMachine makes available today a software update aimed at solving some issues affecting the previous release.